A downloadable game

A game about landlords created in 46 hours during Kiwijam 2024! There are three sets of cards, two types of token and an optional game board. 

You should print 1 set of actions, 1 set of issues, 1 set of policies and 5 sets of properties. For 6 players, we recommend 100 '1' tokens and 40 '5' tokens.

Game Rules

Setup: Each player starts with 10 rent and 2 properties. These are drawn from the top of the shuffled property reserve and revealed at the start of the game. Left of the dealer starts.

The game is broken up into two phases. All inexact numbers are rounded down.

Action cards can be played in any phase at any time. The player can choose to play as many actions as they’d like, and they are evaluated in the order they are played. 

At any time, players can make deals with each other. Deals are binding and must be followed through. Any deal can be made, including property transfers, wealth, actions, and promises.

The draw phase

The player draws three cards   from the actions/issues pile. All cards are drawn to the player’s hand.

Before the end of the draw phase, the player must have played all of their issue cards.

If the player has 10 rent, the player can choose to turn over a property card. The player can buy it for 10 rent, or the property goes to auction. Auctions start at zero rent, starting clockwise from the active player. Each player can bid on the auction. If a player passes, they may no longer engage in this auction. Once the property has been acquired, they may turn over another property card.

The player ends their turn, and the game moves clockwise around the circle until all players have drawn.

The policy phase

A policy card is turned over from the top of the deck. Players can use their rent to lobby Yay or Nay to enact the policy. If a player chooses to pass, they may no longer engage in lobbying for this policy phase. Lobbying occurs in turn order until all players have passed. If the policy is enacted, the oldest existing policy is removed and moved to the policy discard pile. If a policy is not enacted, it is also discarded.

All players collect their rent.

Players collect their final rent when the TOP Land Tax Policy is enacted, and the game ends. The player with the greatest rent balance wins.

Calculating Rent

Rent is calculated property by property. Add to a property’s base rent value the effects of its issues and the active policies.Issues subtract at least one (or two) from the produced rent that turn.

For example, a freehold home worth +3 rent with a -1 issue and a +2 freehold policy, the final rent collected for this property is +4.

If a property’s rent drops below or equal to zero, collect no rent for this property.


RentRacket_Actions_v1.pdf 5.4 MB
RentRacket_Issues_v1.pdf 2.9 MB
RentRacket_Policies_v1.pdf 5.1 MB
RentRacket_Properties_v1.pdf 2.2 MB
RentRacketBoard_KJ24.svg 62 kB
1pieces.svg 117 kB
5pieces.svg 111 kB

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